Why you'd want to live in Beaumont
The Beaumont History Book was completed in 1985 by the Beaumont History Book Committee, under the auspices of St. Vital Senior Citizens’ Club, and covers the period from 1885 through 1960. This publication is also available in hardcover at the Bibliotheque de Beaumont Library. Beautifully situated and known for its picturesque church on the hill, Beaumont began as a French Colony in 1895. 10 acres of land was purchased in 1894 from the Hudson’s Bay Company and a founding resident donated twenty more acres. These 30 acres were the foundation for what became the hamlet of Beaumont. St. Vital Church was constructed and completed, in the Spring of 1895, on these 30 acres of land. In 1899, a group of 38 farmers formed an incorporated company called Compagne du Mouline de Beaumont Limitee (Harvest Company of Beaumont Ltd.) Beaumont moved into the 20th century firmly established as a community with an active commercial base whose social and spiritual life revolved around the church. St. Vital Church burned to the ground in 1918 and was rebuilt in 1919 at a cost of $30,000. Since the 1970s Beaumont has experienced phenomenal population growth. The economic driver is the housing industry. Beaumont experienced population growth rates as high as 38% in the 1978 to 1984 period. New housing starts continue to be strongly coupled with a growing service sector. The result is a dynamic, vibrant community in which to live, work and play. via beaumont.ab.ca